
Zoé Farac

Zoé Farac, senior producer in content development at the entertainment department for SRF.

Zoé Farac服務於瑞士公媒SRF娛樂部門,擔任內容開發資深製作人


Francois Vaillant

Consultation Francois Vaillant Inc   CFV Inc  (CFV顧問公司)


Andy Quested

Andy Quested started as a BBC Technical Assistant in 1978 becoming a video-tape editor in 1985 where he worked on many comedy, children’s and documentary series, editing all episodes of “Keeping Up Appearances”!

Andy Quested於1978年開始在BBC擔任技術助理,並於1985年成為剪輯師,參與許多喜劇、兒童及紀錄片系列節目,以及影集《虛飾外表》(Keeping Up Appearances)每一集的剪輯!


Masanori SANO

Masanori SANO, a senior research engineer (1969) lives in Tokyo. He has been at NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) since 1994, and belonged to STRL(Science and Technology Research Laboratories) for more than 20 years. His research interests include information extraction from media, information processing, metadata production systems and universal services. He received B.E. and M.E. in electric engineering, and Ph.D. in information engineering. He is also involved with standardization activity in SMPTE, MPEG, EBU and ABU.
