Film crew


Ke Chin-yuan Yu Li-Ping


Ke Chin-yuan

Post-production Director

Su Zhi-zong


Ke Chin-yuan Yu Li-Ping

Underwater Filming

Ke Chin-yuan Guo Dao-Ren          Chen Yu-Hui


Ke Chin-yuan Chen Qing-zhong            Chen Tian-Bao                Liu Qi-Leng            Zhang Guang-Zong


Shen Hong-Teng


Shen Hong-Teng

Executive Producer

Chen Yi-Ru     Liao Jie-Yu

Production Assistants

Lin Zi-Han      Jian Zheng-Jie         Huang Wei-Jie         Jiang Qi-Ling          Chen Yu-qian  Liang De-Shan


A selfless, forward-looking documentarian’s long and silent protest for Taiwan’s environment.

For over a decade, he has worked with a jam-packed schedule and film projects arranged years in advance, never missing a day. He understands how to work with one foot in public institutions, thereby utilizing public resources and exposing the things that the country endeavor to cover up at all costs. He recognizes the importance of maintaining a critical attitude to prevent any elements that may possibly breach his code of neutrality from entering his films. He has been a guardian of Taiwan's environment and ecosystems for countless years, using his own way to answer the question: “What is the spirit of documentary filmmaking?”

Born in 1962, in the small rural township of Shengang, Changhua, he began filmmaking back in 1980, adopting fieldwork style. He produced a continuous record of Taiwan’s natural landscape, including environmental changes and pollution incidents. In 1987, he entered the print media field as a photojournalist, and in 1993, began planning the filming and production of a documentary about Taiwan’s natural environment. In 1998, after entering the News Department at Taiwan’s Public Television Service (PTS), he worked on the environmental news program “Our Island”, producing films on a range of issues, from coastal damage, forest conservation, to environmental hazards, as well as other news features. Between 2007 and 2009, he traveled to the Arctic Circle, Antarctica and Mount Everest, to record environmental issues related to climate change, and to film the current situation on glacial retreat. In the twelve years from 1993 to 2006, he wrote for magazine column covering politics, economics and environmental news topics every month, amassing over 200,000 photographic images and more than 400 special in-depth reports. On top of this, he notched up three books and about 200,000 words on text files relating to his fieldwork in Taiwan. Since 1997, his work has earned him finalist nominations and first prizes at more than 70 major film awards both home and abroad. His incredible ability to inspire the audience with touching images and deeply penetrating content make his work a model for Taiwan’s environmental documentary scene.

Ocean – Introducing the crew

We have been recording footages of the marine environment since the 1990s. At the outset, the focus was on obtaining beautiful shots that captured the wonders of the marine ecosystem. However, we soon found that the speed at which we focused the lens couldn’t keep up with the speed at which species were becoming extinct while the environment was being destroyed. Every photograph, every video footage, seemed to be the last images of our ecosystem. Today, I strongly feel that in the face of this continuous collapse of the environment, without any action, no change will be possible!