Despite amassing considerable wealth, eccentric 69-year-old locum doctor, Lee Shih-chieh, a self-confessed black sheep of the family, lives a remarkably frugal existence and is a firm believer that one man's trash is another man's treasure.
For Dr. Lee, who is always on the lookout for a bargain, a luxury estate that just happened to be a "murder house," was a dream come true.
In this episode, we discover why Dr. Lee believes the grisly murder of an entire family was an elaborate hoax; how Dr. Lee feels about living in a house that most people believe is haunted; and what he considers would be the ideal way to kick the bucket.
Lee Shih-chieh: Believers will believe; non-believers won't. Of course, maybe one day I'll encounter something that'll change my mind. But, so far, in the last 70 years I haven't encountered anything. This place is so big and so cheap. How's it possible? Because it's a murder house. It's not haunted, but someone was murdered. I haven't seen any ghosts. It's just that someone died here. I'm okay with that.
Hsieh Sung-shan: Today, of course I got to hear about Dr. Lee's misgivings and views. On the whole, fully respect these. Today gave me the opportunity to understand things that puzzled me and things I was suspicious about and to verify certain things by coming here in person. It's been a very worthwhile trip.
Sophia: Could we call that a haunted house? The former homeowner died in the house and continued living with us. Sometimes I feel that though in law my parents bought the house and it's ours in reality, they may have lived there longer. So I don't think we need to make such a fuss about who the house belongs to. In any case, the earth's a place that we must all share. Even if we reach 120 years of age we die in the end, right?