白天在神明服飾公司工作,晚上轉身一變,潘家齊就成了太子爺乩身。家齊在家排行老三,有兩個姊姊和一個弟弟。因為幼年喪父,媽媽奕蓁靠著在卡拉OK 店工作,獨力拉拔四個孩子長大。


家齊從小陪著父親參與各種宮廟活動,於是就順勢讓媽祖認做乾兒子,從此家齊便和宮廟信仰文化結下了很深的緣分。家齊 17 歲那年,因為性格好動開始學習打坐。有一次他在客廳打坐睡著了,醒來聽媽媽說,太子爺降駕指定要他做乩身。家齊原本很抗拒,但為了祈求母親一生平安,他答應從此成為太子爺乩身,為神明服務。





過年前一個多月前,家裡的老么世全從部隊休假回來,那天只有他和媽媽奕蓁待在家裡。到了半夜媽媽突然心肌梗塞,一時間沒了呼吸心跳。世全靠著之前學過的 CPR 將媽媽從鬼門關救回來,沒想到被全家認為既不成熟又不可靠的小弟,這次居然幫了大忙,因此大家對他另眼相看。





After being widowed in her thirties, Yi-chen single-handedly raised four kids and carried the family's financial burden. In order to make ends meet and repay debts left by her husband, she had to sell the family house and work as a hostess, putting on a brave face to entertain clients despite her dire family situation. Under such heavy pressure and having to endure the disdain of relatives, she often drowned her sorrows in alcohol, triggering mood swings that fermented bad blood with her eldest daughter; but a bond forged in the fires of adversity weathers the test of time. In today's episode, we meet Yi-chen and her four kids as they come to terms with a life-changing moment that has transformed the family dynamic and healed old wounds. Yi-chen’s greatest hope is to live together with all her kids again. Will she fulfill her dream, or is a little distance the secret to a happy family? Being dealt such a lousy hand in life, first losing a father and then their home, what does family mean to the siblings? Has the siblings’ childhood left a shadow in the heart or forged a deeper bond of love?