
UDONO Ryo 鵜殿 良

Senior Producer, NHK

NHK's DX Trials: Progress and Challenges

NHK, as a symbol of the digital shift, started a service called "NHK Plus", which streams programs over the internet, with over 3 million registered users. Additionally, most news is also posted on the website as text.

Currently, NHK operates over 200 social media accounts, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LINE, actively utilizing them for communication with viewers, such as public relations.

As a public media, we have also taken measures to counter misinformation on social media by setting up a team within the newsroom to monitor social media posts 24/7.

For the past two years, we have been expanding our recruitment of personnel with digital skills. Many engineers and project managers have joined, advancing the development of new services.

I will introduce NHK's digital shift initiatives.

講題 | NHK數位轉型試煉:成績與挑戰

NHK啟動名為「NHK Plus」服務,作為數位轉型象徵代表。 透過網路播放節目,擁有超過300萬用戶註冊。大多數網站上新聞是以文字發布。

目前,NHK營運200多個社群媒體帳戶,包含Twitter、Facebook、Instagram、LINE,積極利用這些帳戶和觀眾溝通,如同公共關係。 作為公共媒體,NHK採取措施,在新聞部設立團隊,24小時不間斷監看社群媒體貼文,對抗錯誤訊息。



About the speaker

Since joining NHK in 1999, I have mainly worked as a producer in the news division, responsible for coverage and production of current affairs programs. I have experienced several overseas coverages, such as the US presidential election and Middle East conflicts, as well as production of sports documentaries utilizing the latest filming techniques.

From 2016, I have worked as a senior producer, in charge of NHK's flagship program "Today's Close-up" and morning lifestyle information programs and launched a new program in 2019 on the theme of misinformation countermeasures and media literacy.

Since 2020, I have been responsible for digital content production, including text articles, short videos, and social media. As the head of the team, I lead the integration of broadcasting and digital media.

Currently, I am in charge of program planning and selection at the Content Programming & Distribution Center, and also serving as the general secretary of the project to develop NHK's future digital services.


Udono Ryo 鵜殿 良

Senior Producer, NHK


自2016年起擔任資深製作人,負責NHK旗艦節目《Today’s Close-up》和晨間生活節目,並在2019年推出打擊假新聞和提高媒體素養的新節目。

