
Kåre Vedding Poulsen

Kåre Vedding Poulsen任職於丹麥公共媒體DR,從事電視、廣播以及數位媒體相關工作已經超過25年。

他在DR負責管理創意互動媒體專案也已經有相當長的一段時間,並曾經榮獲義大利獎(The Prix Italia)與歐洲獎(The Prix Europa)等國際獎項。Kåre擁有文學與電影的文學碩士學位、哥本哈根商學院EMBA學位以及劇本寫作學位。


About the speaker

Kåre Vedding Poulsen has been working Danish Broadcasting Corporation with tv, radio and digital media for more than 25 years.

He has a long history in DR of managing innovative interactive media projects, and won international prizes such as The Prix Italia and The Prix Europa. Kåre has an Master of Arts in Literature and Film, an Executive MBA from Copenhagen Business School and a degree in Script Writing.

He has been moderating digital media conferences for years and done numerous lectures and talks on the development of digital media in Public Service broadcasting to audiences all over the world.

講題 | 共創未來社會:公共服務媒體在數位新時代所扮演的角色




Title & Abstract
Creating future societies together: The role of PS media in new digital landscapes

The role of PS media today changes as the internet becomes a battle zone for what future societies we are creating. This presentation points at some of the most central dilemmas that broadcasters face today. Not only when it comes to building new platforms for content distribution, but also – and perhaps more important - in connecting and interacting with citizens to create new societal solutions. Learn methods and see cases from recent years, where PS media projects have used digital media for constructive dialogue with the public to help co-create new initiatives for the common good. How can media give people a voice in the name of democracy? What type of societies can we create - and what role should technology play in them?